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7-31 BBQ Fun

To: <>;
Subject: 7-31 BBQ Fun
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 15:21:11 EDT
Hi there,

Gary and I wanted to thank all of you who made the trip to the West Valley 
yesterday.  We hope you had as much fun as we did!  We loved getting to know 
who attended just a little bit better, and meeting some new folks, as well.  
Besides several locals, we had people come from as far North as Modesto and 
Fresno, and as far South as Oceanside.  It was a really nice group.  

We're hoping to make this an annual event, and will most likely stick to the 
last Saturday in July, if that works for most people.  So, we'll keep you 
posted next year.

We missed the Orange County contingent.  Hope all's well with you guys.

Until then, happy Roadstering.

Nancy & Gary

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