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5th gear neutral

Subject: 5th gear neutral
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2004 20:32:05 -0700
Hi folks;

Just about the time I thought I had enough money set aside to start working
with the paint and body man - 5th and reverse have taken leave on my 69 2L.
Any one have any recommendations on a good place have the work done in the
Portland, Oregon area?   I have looked at the alternatives on the gear, and
I think I want to get a new splined gear, but transmission work is not my
bag.  I will probably start tearing down the roadster including  pulling
the engine and tranny to get ready for paint  - so I will have the
transmission out of the car.   Any suggestions or ideas welcome.

Kind regards;

Blake Dietze
69 SRL-311 12049

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