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Re: "Hybrid Cars" - warning: rant

Subject: Re: "Hybrid Cars" - warning: rant
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 22:52:18 EDT writes:
Looks like a good one to let pass by, especially after viewing those Shasta
and Andrew noted:

"It's very interesting to see these cars. One wonders how they came to be 
like this."


 ** Good golly  - I know **exactly** how a car gets this way... someone LOVED 
it enough to make it drive !!!  Its red, its shiny, it runs, it drives, it 
looks pretty damn good in the pictures. Someone liked it enough to keep in the 
the family for 16 years... I remember 16 years ago... no major internet 
resources... no data bases telling us what what right/wrong.... heck.... NO 
from the local Nissan dealear.... the only thing we may have had was a coveted 
copy of the Rallye catalog, or a typed-out copy of the Datsun Roadster Review 
from Ross.  Ya did what ya could. I'd be proud to drive around in a little gem 
like that..... oh yeah... isn't "making things work" part of the whole 
sporting-car heritage ???...... Be honest..... if you saw that car pulling in 
at the 
petrol station wouldn't you say " oh cool !!!" and strike up a friendly 
conversation... or would you just sit there and tell the guy what a horribly 
incorrect monstrosity it is?!?!?  (Almost afraid to ask that question these 
days on 
the list!) Does it really matter what the shift plate looks like?? - it HAS a 
shift plate - wow ! If you just take it out and drive, the only real thing 
anyone will notice is the big grin on your face !!! Whoever buys that car is 
gonna have a lot of FUN - ain't that really what it's all about ?!?!?!?

.... remembering what a high-strung bunch the jag XKE owners were.... trying 
to give themselves a stroke over the fiddly-est of "correct" details - 
"Jubilee" hose clamps, "Otter" switches. $750 crescent wrenches for the 
gah !!! .... prolly the same sort of folks who watch baseball solely for the 
statistics !!!! 


"If you drive fast enough, nobody will notice the little shit."
and never forget
"Rockchips are sexy"
Laurie :-)
Chandler, AZ

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