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Mt Shasta Report - what a show!

Subject: Mt Shasta Report - what a show!
From: John F Sandhoff <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 18:39:51 -0700 (PDT)
Just in from the journey back down the hill. For those
that weren't able to attend, the 20th annual Mt. Shasta
meet was one of the best so far! (IMHO, of course)

As always, Phyllis and the Modesto group kept things
organized and made sure everyone was taken care of.
>From initial registration to wrapping up the banquet,
all the details were handled with apparent ease!

A few expected people didn't make it, but lots of others
did. Not all of the cars joined their owners, but it
was great to see so many people come however they could.
Gordon and (grrr, why don't I remember her name?) made it
down. Fred and Annie came for the show and then had to
head right back. Daniel and Irene did a 250 mile (one way)
trip on their sport bikes!

As I left, Stan and Phill Brook were getting ready to
head back. The ten guests from the Japanese SRSL club
(including their president) had already departed. Most
of the others participants were gone, with the few
remaining getting things wrapped up.

Yesterday, Gerardo held a most amazing clinic. He took a
chrome side strip and whacked it with a hammer. He then
proceeded to skillfully use a chisel and punch to make the
dent almost disappear. To complete the smoothing, he then
went at it with a full size metal file! Yikes! I wouldn't
have believed it, but when he was done the dent had
disappeared and the now-dentfree strip was ready for final
polishing. Amazing!

Keith did another carb clinic and had another car purring
by the time he was done. And there was a paint scratch
clinic that I unfortunately missed because about 15 of us
headed up the mountain via the Memorial highway. Always a
spectacular view!

And the cars... Always amazing to see how close to perfect
these rides become with the proper attention! To keep things
balanced, I still feel confident in my ability to set the
'low water' mark with my daily driver :-)

There was one serious beater there. Three colors, broken
lights, pretty thoroughly ripped up. But what a sleeper!
Under the hood was an amazing SR20DET awap! Yup - 'T' as
in Turbo! The turbo was wrapped down low instead of
out to the side. Loads of clearance for the unmolested
stock steering linkage! It fit like a dream - but I suspect
there were some nightmares getting it engineered! Now, if
only he made a kit :-)

Those that know Mitch Jensen from North of the Border, will
recall that several years ago he brought a beautiful 1500 down.
When he started, it was in dozens of boxes. The PO had taken
it completely apart - and I mean completely - and planned
to sell off the parts. He never did. Mitch dragged box after
box of piece parts home and amazingly a car appeared from the

Well, take a look at what Micth has done this time:

Yes folks, you're looking at SPL213-2 00061!!
It almost dissolved in the dipping tank, but take a
look at it now! And I can attest that it's a solid,
drop-dead-gorgeous ride because I got to sit in it!
behind the wheel!! With the engine running!!! (okay,
so I didn't drive it around. I think I would have
been too scared to!)

I'll be putting more pictures on that link, right
now there's just a teaser there. But boy oh boy
oh boy what a car! Inside, outside, underneath, it
is absoultely amazing what Mitch and several very
dedicated friends accomplished!

Oh... and the owner of a 212 was admiring it :-)

That's all for now - gotta go unload the car :-)

-- John
     John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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