Nothing of importance here, just chattering...
My 5 speed has been going downhill, with first gear becoming
difficult to shift into. I knew a rebuild was in my future, but I've
tried to put it off.
Last Tuesday, I pulled up to a stop sign. Tried shoving into
first but it was pretty stubborn. So I yanked it into second and...
found I had a new neutral :-(
After work, I limped home using third... ONLY third.
So Tuesday night the poor beat-up 2000 in the side yard lost
its tranny. Having a premonition, luckily I had recently prepped
the donor so it didn't take much work.
Wednesday out came my '69s drivetrain (hint: load levelers are
fantastic and you're crazy if you try to do without!). Swapped the
boxes and shoved the assembly back in. Took a few more hours
to hook everything back up and I'm road worthy again.
The donor box is a little weird - noisy front bearing (it whines) and
second gear syncho only works intermittently. But barring any
more disasters at least I'll make it to Shasta. Then it's time to
rebuild the spare U20 (this one's developed a death rattle) and fix
the busted 5 speed...
-- John