Mike Adams combed through the junkyards of Houston about ten years ago and
found me a Honda fan that is a direct bolt-in for my 2000. It has a brace on
it that made it look like a funny-handled square frying pan. I cut off the
brace and bolted the shroud directly to the passenger side of the radiator,
inside the engine compartment. The holes matched without adjustment. I had to
"notch " the shroud to clear a piece on the front crossmember. The fan is a
"puller", not a "pusher". The fan is not wide enough to bolt to both sides of
the radiator, so I ran zip ties through the radiator to secure the driver's
side. I replace the zip ties occasionally using a plastic "washer" on the
front of the radiator and my setup has lasted for years. Andy has a few
pictures that he may post with his stuff. The fan and motor are offset so
they do not interfere with the water pump. Aside from the notch in the shroud
and the fan brace I did not have to cut or saw anything, just remove the old
fan. I kept the stock pully in place. I ran a wire to an ignition controlled
fuse and it is always on when the engine is running. The car is so noisy
otherwise that the fan noise is not noticable. A thermostatic switch would
cycle the fan, but it is not needed in Texas. My fan ten years ago was priced
at $40 by the junkyard. I can't find a part number for the fan without
crawling around and taking stuff apart, and the only thing the junkyard wrote
on the fan was $40.
Leisure Suit Terry