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RE: Rear end swap

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Rear end swap
From: "Tom Hendricksen" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 00:11:20 -0700

The 2000 rear end in a 1600 will impair the acceleration as much as the 1600
rear end helps a 2000 accelerate faster.  Maybe more with the reduced
horsepower of the 1600.  I think you would also find yourself shifting down
for smaller hills than might be expected.  I suspect a lot of the fun of the
car would be gone.

69 2000 - Mr. Hyde
(calculated 4.38 rear with tire error figured in)
Portland, OreeGun

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 3:37 AM
Subject: Rear end swap

Hi gang,

I asked several weeks ago about swapping out my 1600 rear end with my
2000 rear end since I'm dropping the 2000 drive train into a restored
1600 car. Everyone who commented said to leave the 1600 rear end in
because of the better "off the line" performance.

The question I failed to ask was, will a 1600 drive train perform well
with a 2000 rear end installed? I other words, I'm dropping a 1600 drive
train into the old 2000 body and selling it. Should I swap out the rear
ends and keep a 1600 engine with a 1600 rear end? I hope this makes


Steve Harvey

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