I'm not sure the Z 5-speeds are all that plentiful, especially ones in
really good shape that don't need to be rebuilt themselves. There are a
couple of spreadsheets floating around that list all of the 4 and 5-speed
trannies. Between the Z, ZX, and the L and Z powered trucks there are a
fairly wide variety of ratios, but they all seem to to be disappearing
fairly quickly and rebuilding them isn't cheap these days, either.
I keep an eye out for older "donor" Datsuns in the rural wrecking yards here
in central Texas. Many if not most JYs in the metro areas crush anything
older than a few years these days. I will occasionally see an older truck or
Z in some of the small towns around here though.
Maybe it's the auto equivalent of dumpster diving? ;>)
>Dan Zubkoff
> Wow...never knew it was so straightforward to replace a roadster 4spd with z
> 5spd....
> Why have so few roadster owners made this swap.? With the higher cost of a
> Roadster Transmission vs the inexpensive, durable and widely available Z
> 5spds... why haven't more folks made this mod?
> Roll call...Who on the list is running a R/U engine with a Z-5Spd?
>> James Ross:
>> Most nissan boxes are a 2 part box with a sandwhich plate in the middle
>> that carries the shafts/gears.
>> These boxes can be split and the front half (read belhousings, but its a
>> little more than that) are typically interchangeable.
>> You will often need to change the bearing that sits in the 'bell housing"
>> as they are of varing OD sizes.
>> So splitting a 1600 box to obtain the bell housing, and simply bolting this
>> to most any other nissan 5 speeds will enable you to bolt it to your R
>> series roadster engine . Just remember to put that blue sealing goop
>> between the half's and away you go.
>> Gearbox's that i have seen this done to and fitted to a roaster include Z
>> box's, but the list does not stop there. Skyline 5 speeds are also very
>> good (till ~82).