Lots of Roadsters with Miata seats out there (mine being one of them but
definitely not trick). First generation Miata seats fit well, you just
need to bend the ends of the rails flat, drill new holes in the
Roadster floor, and remove the spike on each rail, which I did with a
Seating position is slightly higher than stock but seats are comfortable
and cloth is long-lasting. New aftermarket cloth and leather is
available ready-to-install and you can even have your own logo
embroidered on it (search for the Crazy Red Italian).
Quoting "Arthur R. Rockwell" <arthurrockwell@sbcglobal.net>:
> At an Escondido, CA meet some time ago I saw a VERY trick Roadster
> with Miata
> seats. I believe the owner was from San Diego. If you are on the
> list or if
> you knwo who he/she is, can you drop me a line? I want to know
> details about
> the donor vehicle (year, etc.) and any advice on installation.
> Thanks.
> Arthur Rockwell
> '66 SPL311 SR20DET (in progress)
> North Hollywood, CA
> SoCalROC