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Re: rear brake cyl kit 69 2000

To: "Acme Home Sales" <>,
Subject: Re: rear brake cyl kit 69 2000
From: "datsunmike" <>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 20:22:23 -0400
I agree with Tom. Brakes are far toooo important to screw with. If the
person can't afford new rear cylinders he should sell the car. Period.

Not only does his life depend on them but so does everyone who drives near

Aluminum cylinders don't take kindly to any type of clean up other than w/ a
toothbrush, nylon engine oil gallery cleaning tool or some other soft
object. The bores may look good but you never know.


BTW, shops won't rebuild brakes for liabilty concerns. It's new or nothing.

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