I'm no expert on 1500s, but all the ones I have seen, the answer would be
no... If you use the later seats, you'll have to find a set of the '67.5
seats to be able to use these headrests, but for the costs of getting those
seats AND headrests, you could probably buy some completely recovered
'68-'70 seats with headrests.
Just my $.02.
> Anyone know if these will fit a 1500 seat? I ride the kids around and
> it would not hurt to have them. I don't see them much, so I figure now
> be the time. I was going to put a set of later seats in, but I did not
> the look. Any ideas?
> 2470961199
> Mark
> Phoenix Maryland
> 1500's 2000's
> www.datsunroadsters.com