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Re: Roadster Siting, Irvine, CA - gas mileage

To: Stephen Wan <>
Subject: Re: Roadster Siting, Irvine, CA - gas mileage
From: "David R. Conrad" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 08:08:42 -1000
Hi Steve:

My fuel gauge is 'relatively' linear, in that I get ~50 mi. per 1/4 tank, or
200 mi. between 'fill ups', which I routinely do at 200 miles.   Requires
approx. 8 gallons to fill, of a tank which has a capacity of slightly over 11
gallons.  As a result, I average about 25 mpg, consistently.  (I have gotten
over 30 mpg, highway, which I rarely have a chance to do.)   My driving is
pretty consistent, 'city/highway' combination.

'68 1600

p.s. I expect that your '280 miles to the tank' was was in 'highway' type

>  I have gotten 280 miles to the tank
> before so I decided to use that as a gauge, unfortunately I ran out at the
> 200 mark this time.  What kind of gas mileage is everyone else getting?

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