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RE: That Deer Thing

To: <>, "datsun" <>
Subject: RE: That Deer Thing
From: "Brad Lustig" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 08:21:00 -0500
My parents had a "suicidal" bear hit them out in either Oregon or northern
California.  My mom was driving and saw this brown animal running down the
hill.  She never thought that their paths were going to intersect or that
the "animal" would actually come across the road at that rate of speed.  The
bear ended up hitting the passenger side (my brother was asleep in the
passenger seat).  He rolled off the other side of the street, shook it off
and started running again!  Quite an adventure for some southerners out
visiting the Pacific Northwest!!!

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 4:59 PM
Subject: OT: That Deer Thing

Okay kids, where does it say we have to blame ourselves?  Maybe the deer was
suicidal and he/she hit you?  I saw a deer in southern Utah jump a freeway
fence and run full out into the side of a van (wham -- venison ALA road

BTW - I was cruising down I-15 in my 68 2000 at the time (for roadster
content).  Glad that sucker decided to take on a large moving target than

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