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Re: On the subject of seat belts.

To: "Rourke, Brian" <>, <>
Subject: Re: On the subject of seat belts.
From: <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 21:06:22 -0800
Give a
try (use the link because direct access will sometimes put you through
a loop hole or list higher prices).

You can also access the site through and the "hi
perf products" link up top.

I am not entirely certain about their int'l shipping policies even
though Nepal as listed as a option.  On the other hand, if their
policies allow shipments to Nepal I can say that I am absolutely
certain they will ship to Oz.

Decent prices too.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rourke, Brian" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 18:13
Subject: On the subject of seat belts.

> I have been looking for a safer 3 point harness system for my 1970
> here in Australia. No luck so far. Can anybody on the list point me
> the direction of a supplier in the USA that has a web site and is
> to send over seas.

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