This week has been fantastic. The weather here in Florida was nice and
temperate all week. I drove the Datsun 3 or 4 days and am sporting the
first Roadster sunburn that I have had in years. Yes, I love it! The car
runs and drives beautifully and is as dependable as any car I have ever had.
To make it even better, I have been blessed with the ability to spend some
great family time with my wife and beautiful daughters. Today was a
cloudless and temperate day. The weather was about as close to perfect as
it gets. The only down side is that the leaves are falling (leaves here
fall in the spring, not the fall - go figure.) but that is not much of a
detraction. I was able to wash and wax both of the other daily drivers
while the Roadster just sat there smiling cheerfully at me. (they DO smile
you know - when they are happy.)
For those that live where winter is still around, take heart - spring and
good weather is on the way. For those that live where weather is great for
Roadstering most of the time, Bully for you!
If your Roadster is languising needing a few minor bits to get it driving,
go fix it. The worries of the world will seem less with the top down and
the engine humming merrily. If it needs major work, buy a driver if you
can. A roach of a driver beats an "almost finished" trailer queen eight
ways to Sunday.
May the Roadster Gods smile upon you. May the road be twisting and free of
potholes, and the police radar all be in the shop....
Sidney Raper
1964 1500 (still a project.... sigh....)
1967 SRL311 00076 (alive again!)
Jacksonville Florida
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