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More Soap Box commentary...

To: <>, "Bob Winslade" <>,
Subject: More Soap Box commentary...
From: <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 22:30:41 +0000
Pardon my stupid ISP or computer as it apparently decided to send this message 
multiple times, while I was using another program on my computer...

My final point to this is... don't be out there driving insane (ie, speeding up 
to a turn or stop) and figure out other ways to stop your car!  You never know 
when your car brakes will fail.  I have had multiple roadster brakes partially 
fail and even a VERY scary episode with a 2000 Buick Regal in 2002, when the 
brakes failed.  There never was a problem because I knew alternate means to 
stop my car, no matter what I was driving.   Do yourself a favor and learn 
those means as well...
> Maybe it's just me, but don't you all know about "downshifting"...  brakes 
>are very important and great care should be taken to properly rebuild them, 
>but come on, we have 34+ year old cars!  Expect problems to happen 
>occasionally and be prepared to find alternative ways to stop!  Don't just go 
>out there blindly trusting those brakes to stop you.   What someone is doing 
>driving Mach 3 up to a turn and smashing hard on the brakes to stop is totally 
>insane in ANY car!  

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