Happy, happy, joy, joy.
I started my 69 solex (old style) today. It ran rough for several minutes.
Then I shut it off.
It didn't leak oil or coolant. It didn't rattle or turn any bearings.
It burned the paint off the new header.
It has not run since 1984. I purchased it in the summer of 2000 and have been
slowed down by 1 marriage (very happy-still), 1 house purchase and sale, and
being on the worker side of a set of protracted union negotiations.
(negotiated settlement in the end)
Questions for those in the know:
1. Are the plastic/phenolic floats known to sink? My front carb started to
ooze fuel from the air horns. (new needles and diaphragms). Is there a ready
substitute for the needle adjustment shims?
2. I have new Nissan engine mounts, which with a bouncy, non-timed, unbalanced
carb engine; seem very soft. There is a great deal of movement side to side.
Is this normal?
All for now,
Thanks to all for there unknowing encouragement. I have not driven mine and
I've only ever seen 4 others in the steel over a 15 year period.
Good health to you all and I'll post other important milestones
Damian Hall
proud dad (2 girls, 1 boy and SRL311-11264)
Pictou NS Canada
-10 C and snowing