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RE: Need a hood for '68 1600 - Got one + story!

To: <>
Subject: RE: Need a hood for '68 1600 - Got one + story!
From: "Eric A. Isaacson" <>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 09:12:48 -0500

Much thanks to a local Roadster owner (on the list) for providing me a hood
for my '68 1600 resto project.  I appreciate all the responses (and offers!)
I received.  I thought I would share a little info why I suddenly needed a

The preparation...
I made some minor repairs to the hood and prepped it for stripping.
Delivered to body shop
It was blasted.
Then etched coated.
Then stress cracks welded.
Minor filler here and there.

And then things go bad...
"See that low area, we need to fix that."
"Let's try the spot heating technique, is that ok"
Yeah, ok

A few weeks later the truth is revealed...
"We have a lot if time in your hood....  $$$"
"Heating didn't work, so we used a torch."
"Torch didn't work so we used a cut off wheel and cut (about 70+ inches) the
hood to shrink the low area."
"After all that welding, the low spot was still there."
"We called in the experts for advice."
"We cut out part of the hood (roughly 1 foot by 3 foot section) and welded
in a new piece."
"After all that welding, the low spot was still there."
"The next option is to construct bracing inside the hood to support the low
area in the hood."
"What do you think about that idea?"

My response: Why did you do all this without telling me?
"We did not want to upset you by showing what we did to your hood."
My response: Hoods are available, why didn't you find this problem a long
time ago?
"Hoods are available for this car, really?  Wow, we didn't think you could
get another hood."
"What a relief."
"We need to talk about the hours we have in your car..."

So, does any Datsun restoration shops want to open a location in the
Midwest?  "I've never seen one of those before" is not a good sign.  A bad
sign, really.

Thanks and take care,

Eric A. Isaacson
Fort Wayne, Indiana


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Eric A. Isaacson
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 2:06 PM
Subject: Need a hood for '68 1600

After the stress cracks in my original hood were repaired and the piece
blasted, it was determined that the large dent in the hood most likely
caused by a person sitting on the hood (spans the scoop portion) cannot be
fixed.  So, I need a good hood for a 1968.  Might anyone have one for sale
or could direct me to the right resource.
I appreciate it!
Eric A. Isaacson
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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