Regarding advising the body shop as to HOW to paint the car....I heartily DON'T
recommend it. As to how MUCH paint to use, unless it is an issue of price, I
wouldn't go there either.
I'm presuming, of course, that you are going to a shop whose business is
painting cars. If on the other hand you are dealing with someone who will be
painting it in their garage or shop then you might ADVISE but definitely don't
Having worked in a bodyshop, and having done many a custom paint job, trust me,
more often than not, the customer has little to NO idea of painting. I've had
customers demand that I paint their car on a cold and humid day ("We don't want
the paint to dry too quickly."), or conversely specify how much paint to use
("I don't think you'll
need more than a quart for 3 coats on a Blazer."), advise me on painting
Lacquer paints over Enamel without using a primer / sealer (" I don't think the
"added" expense is justified."), then demand that I guarantee the job
indefinitely. Since I did not need the money that bad, I just turned the jobs
There's an old expression that says "Don't teach your Grandmother how to suck
eggs.". No one likes being told how to do a job by people who DON'T know how
to do the job.
Sorry to be a wet rag, just my 2".
Enrique Scanlon