Nearing the end of the line in getting my basket-case 67.5 SPL311-14742
back to life , this will ask for help on two items-:
1. What size tires ? present ones are inflated,at least 10 years so need
replacing ; they are 185-14 ; present-day size 185 x ? x14 ?? No special
requirements , no competition , just drive-around ,max = ordinary highway
speeds .
2. Turn sgnals inoperative- voltage live to and thru the flasher ..horns and
headlight relay work so voltage appears to be getting to the column but not to
rear sleeve-type connection.( I have yet to disconnect at the column,and to
check front.) Three service manuals show exploded views of the column but I
don't see any switch. My question Is:: If I find that the switch is causing
trouble, where is it ? I assume it is buried somewhere in the column...if so
does it become accessible by removing the steering wheel ? Or am I missing
something here? Thanks in advance...............Joe Jackson Syracuse NY