Yes you can regrind your cam too B specs I used Elgin Cams . Check out this site under
engine and then cam for specs.
70 2000
----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 11:39 AM
Subject: Solex cam question
> As a Christmas present to myself, I'm having my the engine in my 68 2000
> rebuilt. When I got the car it had old style solexes and the comp oil
pan, but
> an A cam. The cam is still in good condition (78K miles on the engine)
and for
> street, it was okay before the valves and rings started leaking.
> Does anyone else have experience with a Solex and A cam? comparisons of
> A cam vs B cam? any other thoughts?
> Also, can an A cam be reground to B cam specs? If so, where can I find
the B
> cam specs (I've been looking but haven't been able to find it).
> Thanks/Dan