A number of years ago there was an
accident here in Portland at the West
end of I-84 where it meets I-5. At this
junction there is a Y in the road where
you choose either North or South on I-5.
At that time this Y was defined by a
cement barrier, which someone decided to
hit at well over 100 MPH. The car was a
Dodge Dart if I remember correctly, and
it was split into 4 pieces by the
impact. The driver walked away. Makes
you wonder.
69 2000 "Mr. Hyde"
Portland, Oregon
-----Original Message-----
m.net]On Behalf Of datsunmike
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 6:28
To: Datsun Roadster List
Subject: Re: OT - One Tough Tree
I did notice that but anything can be
staged. A block from my house is a
police station lot where they frequently
store cars that have been in major
accidents including one many years ago
in which they had to cut the tree
down as the car couldn't be seperated
from it. So there in the lot was the
tree and the car. Still, that car wasn't
quite so wrapped around the tree
and by estimates the car was going way
over 100 mph when it struck the tree.
The engine landed a few hundred feet
That car in the picture must have been
going awfully fast and that the
driver survived is amazing.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul" <9laser3@bright.net>
To: "datsunmike" <datsunmike@nyc.rr.com>
Cc: "Dennis Currington" <dc@datsuns.net>
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 8:49
Subject: Re: OT - One Tough Tree