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Re: OT-110V to 230V

To: Daniel Neuman <neuman@RadOnc17.UCSF.Edu>
Subject: Re: OT-110V to 230V
From: "Patrick J. Horne" <>
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 14:00:52 -0500 (CDT)

I'd take a look in the breaker panel to see how what the white wire is
connected to. If you have a redm white and black, there should also be a
green wire, that's how romex is set up. If it is only 3 wire, it is
usually black, white and green.

The white and green are usually tied together in the main breaker panel.
If the drier outlet is being fed from a sub panel the ground and neutral
(green and white) will be kept separate in the sub panel, and only
connected together back at the main panel.

All that said, you shouldn't have any problem connecting the the appliance
up as your listed. The latest electrical code requires that drier outlets
be 4 wires because of the possibility tht the third wire is connected to
the neutral bus, rather than the ground buss. It's all a safety thing!


- Support Habitat for Humanity, A "hand up", not a "hand out" -

Pat Horne, Network Manager, Shop Supervisor/Future planner, CS Dept,
University of Texas, 1 University Station C0500,Austin, Tx. 78712-1188 USA
voice (512)471-9730, fax (512)471-8885,

On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Daniel Neuman wrote:

> Hello All,
>       I have an appliance that can run on 110V or 230V (it auto switches
> says the manual).  The super wonderful and informative manual says to 'just
> cut off the 15A 110V plug and attach a 230V 30amp plug....  I have a 230V
> outlet in my garage that is for a dryer.  Its got a funky looking 3 prong
> plug where the prongs are set in a triangle.  I unscrewed the outlet and
> tested the voltages at the wires.  This outlet has only three wires, red,
> black, white.  There is 230 between the red and black and 115V between
> red-white, black-white.  I think this is what my sunset home wiring book
> calls a 'straight' 230V outlet with two hots and one ground and no neutral.
> I believe that the red and black wires are the hots and the white wire is
> the ground.  The cord from the appliance has the standard black, white,
> green wires.
>       I am thinking that I can hook black (outlet) to black(app) and
> red(outlet) to white(app) and white (outlet) to green (app)?
>       What say you?  I really want the extra power available at 230V but I
> don't want to blow anything up.
>    Thanks,
>       Daniel Neuman
>       Oakland CA.

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