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Re: cold draft on my neck

To: "Perry Smith" <>,
Subject: Re: cold draft on my neck
From: "Eric Frisbee" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 13:05:29 -0500
Speaking of smoking...  I see what appears to be blue smoke starting out at
idle on most of my cars.... compression checks out fine and I *think*
everything is set up correctly, although never had a Colortune before, so
working on that... could this smoke actually be an overly rich mixture?   I
just got the new needles installed on my '70 and Colortuned it... no smoke
now...    can't wait to do the '67 next!  Will have to wait til tomorrow or
this weekend!

And ummm... what's "Night night for the winter"?     Isn't that when you break
out the mud & snow tires and run a lighter weight oil??  HAHA!   Just kidding!
Actually, I've had a lot of luck with roadsters in winter, particularly
Colorado.   I worked at Cheyenne Mountain AFS back in '90-'92 and drove my '68
2000 up that road with no problems (balding tires though... poor airman, you
know!)... and I worked back at the good ole Mountain from 2001 to May 2003
while driving the '67 1600... no problems with the roads, just the morons with
big trucks racing past me on slick roads (4 wheel drive does NOT = 4 wheel
stop).     I guess you really have to be insane to drive roadsters in the
winter though!

Back to the garage!   1 hour til it's time to clean up and go!

----- Original Message -----
  From: Perry Smith
  To: Eric Frisbee ; Gary K. McCormick ; Raper, Sidney
  Cc: Matt Jacquet ; Will Slater ; Datsun Roadster List
  Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 9:59 AM
  Subject: Re: cold draft on my neck

  St. Louis here!  I'm getting kick our of the West-coasters talking about
this "cool draft on my neck" thing and get a chuckle.  If it's above 40 in St.
Louis, the Roadster is OUT!  (No hats, either - please!)

  Speaking of which, I'm looking forward to getting mine back on the road.  I
had a "oil starvation" problem and ended up shattering the #1 main bearing.
Not that much of a big deal, but I've had the block to the machinst for the
crank and it should be back this week.  It gave me a chance to take it apart
and look at the years of neglect this baby has suffered.  I've only had it a
year, I've had them all - bad starter, wrong spings in the Su's (must have
been worked-on by and MG mechanic, it sure smoked like one!),
electrodeposition and degradation of the thermostat housing, etc.  Even with
these problem and taking care of them one-at-a-time, she ran like a bandit
when she was going!

  Looking forward to hitting the road before the first snow and she goes
night-night for the Winter!

  St. Louis
  '68 SRL311-03653

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