It was asked:
> Anyone heard if Shasta is a go this year?
Well, unless there's been some change I'm unaware of, the Mt. Shasta
meet happens July 11-12 2003.
In fact, registrations are due in the hands of the organizers by
tomorrow, June 17th in order to avoid the $5.00 late fee. Oops,
guess I'll be paying a late fee again :-(
As usual, my grunge White 2000 will hopefully be there, establishing
the low end of the concours scale. I consider myself to be providing
a public service - bring your car, whatever shape it's in, and you can
be pretty well assured that yours won't be the worst one there!
Also as usual, I'll be heading up Thursday afternoon. Most people rush
up Friday; I like to take my time and enjoy the ride. Yes, I drive in the
heat of the day (I always try to leave early, it never works out). Of
course, top-down is mandatory. A mister, a tube of sunscreen, and
a positive attitude - the best of Roadstering! Anyone that wants to
work up a Thursday caravan, please get in touch.
-- John
John F Sandhoff Sacramento, CA
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