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1600 for sale in Dallas

To: <>
Subject: 1600 for sale in Dallas
From: "Donna and Terry Cost" <>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 09:53:19 -0500
I think the roadster that Andy is talking about is a 2000, or at least has
parts for a 2000.  I sold Ted Poe a 2000 head with camshaft, and tried to
sell him a "B" cam head, also.  He later decided to go with the 1600, I
think, but I deleted my email for that period of time and don't remember the
details.  Ted drove it to an autocross to show it to us just before he took
out the engine and it could be an easy rebuilder.  I remember white
"snowflake" wheels and red upholstery in a white car.  If anyone is serious
I will go by and take pictures, and for a reasonable fee I will deliver it
anywhere in the U.S.  I live about two hours from Dallas.

By the way, I have an old Chilton's hardback manual for Datsun cars from the
60's up for sale on ebay.  $4.00 and no bids.  It's the one with the seven
color-four page insert that shows a four cylinder engine in cutaway.  Here's
your chance to own a bit of Datsun history.  Bid it up!  I need to
supplement my retirement, and $4.00 won't even buy a decent cheeseburger.

Leisure Suit Terry

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