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Re: stumble at 4000

To: "noji" <>, <>
Subject: Re: stumble at 4000
From: snyler <>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 16:22:18 -0600
At 1:05 PM -0800 2/26/03, noji wrote:
>I thought that I had this all straightened out, but when I'm driving the
>car, it seems to stumble at 3500-4000 rpm.  I went through the electrical
>(points/plugs/rotor/cap/wires/resistor block) and after that the car ran
>great.  Then the other day it started to do the hesitation at 3500-4000 rpm.
>So if it would run well for awhile, then not, where would be the likely
>place to start?
>Dana Nojima
> <>
>(510) 219-6474

I had this very problem and it pestered me for months.  Checked 
timing, checked condition of advance plate, yada yada.  It turned out 
to be fuel starvation, but from a very sneaky place.  In my case , 
after Pat Horne came to the rescue, carbs were balanced, floats 
adjusted etc. it turned out to be some obstruction in either the line 
from the fuel bowl to the carb nossle, or the jet itself.
        Try replacing the fuel filter to start with, see if that helps.
        Other possibilities i looked into were:
        Blocked fuel pickup in tank (blew out with air)
        Fuel pump problems
        Gunk in Little screens in banjo fittings at carbs.
Start with the fuel filter, see what happens.


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