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RE: Re: engine putogether

Subject: RE: Re: engine putogether
From: Ken Mack <>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 06:00:07 -0800
HAHAHAHAHa... No way!  I wanna see that!

That is like this one show I saw on the Discovery channel, about people
shooting pumpkins out of massive air cannons.  This one guy shot a
Jack-o-Lantern thru a Ford Explorer.

-----Original Message-----
 Subject: Re: Re: engine putogether

I used to have a copy machine in the garage.  It stopped working.  After
several attempts to repair it I realized that it was going to be more
expensive than buying a new one.  I ended up shooting a 2x4 through it
with our windborn debris testing cannon.  It is amazing how sturdy a
Minolta copier is.  We impacted that thing several times with minor
damage.  The final shot was a killshot.  We cranked the speed up on the
2x4 cannon and hit the copier really hard.  The 2x4 never went all the
way through, but it did blow the sorter, front cover, and document
feeder off.  The 2x4 splintered pretty good.  I have a cool mpeg movie
of the whole ordeal but I am reluctant to send it to anyone.  The last
thing I need is for the CEO to see his $25,000 cannon shooting a copy
machine on the internet.

Andy "copier killer" cost

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