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Christmas roadster run

To: "Autox \(E-mail\)" <>
Subject: Christmas roadster run
From: "Paul Bauman" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2002 15:28:00 -0800
Took a top-down spin around Disneyland about noon today. What a great ride.
Mid 60s, no clouds, and a lot of people in minivans looking at us and
probably thinking 'someone got a cool present'.

Well, truth be told, back in the late 70s, my goofy blue car (then white)
helped get me the greatest present I will ever receive and she was sitting
right beside me as we cruised the Happiest Place on Earth with big smiles
all around.

The best thing about owning a roadster is the fact that they're two-seaters.
I always enjoy the ride, but sharing it with someone you love makes it even
better. Thanks for putting up with me and my goofy little car, Pam!

Well, enough waxing sentimental. Gotta check dinner on the BBQ.

Paul Bauman
Westminster, CA
67 1600

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