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Re: OT:Re: very odd of the post office - way off topic

To: Dave Stoll <>
Subject: Re: OT:Re: very odd of the post office - way off topic
From: Guy & Pamela Pepoy <>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 22:31:31 -0700
What a special holiday gift.
Tempe, AZ

Dave Stoll wrote:

>By using the "off topic" you gave us all the chance to  pass due to lack of
>roadster content.....
>I was privilaged to witness a very special scene yesterday....My son who is
>in the 82nd Airborne, stationed in North Carolina did not know if he would
>be home for Christmas.  We had not heard from him for a week and given the
>current situation, didn't even know if he was still in the country.  After
>our Christmas program Sabbath morning, my wife and I got home in the
>afternoon and laid down on the bed for a short rest.  As we dosed we heard
>someone's loud voice say "Look outside!!" and at that moment PFC Matthew
>Stoll came through the bedroom door!!!!   What I saw was a worried Mom jump
>and throw her arms around her soldier son she longed to see at the Christmas
>season.  As dad got his chance to talk I learned that when Matt returns he
>goes on 2 hour alert and will be ready to go anywhere in 2 hrs....When he
>returns to base will we ever see him again?  I wish I had full assurance of
>that.   And if not I know that there are some on this list who will weep
>with us because this list is more than technical info....
>I too am disgusted that our flag is not in the displays!!!!
>I don't like war but I dislike "PC" even less...
>Roadster content- Took the tarp off and let the sun air out the hibernating
>----- Original Message -----
>From: datsun_sports <>
>To: Datsun Forum <>
>Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 9:50 PM
>Subject: very odd of the post office - way off topic
>>this was sent to me by my father (retired Lt. Colonel USA retired), very
>>interesting that the post office would do the following. to go along with
>>i want to mention that i work here in las Vegas at the Bellagio. we just
>>our employee holiday festival (no longer Christmas i guess). anyway the
>>entrance was bordered by flags from around the world. nice touch except
>>did not include the united stated flag. another thing i noticed was a
>>Christmas....excuse tree decorated with flags from around
>>world being displayed also. Old Glory was not present on it either that i
>>can recall. I cant really recall it being displayed anywhere else either.
>>not against anyone embracing their history and heritage but this is going
>>little too far. socialism here we come.
>>Post Office

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