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Re: very odd of the post office - way off topic

To: "Gary Boone" <>, "Adam Bradley"
Subject: Re: very odd of the post office - way off topic
From: "Fairlady" <>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 09:41:06 -0500
I also love political discussions, but there are more appropriate places
than here amongst, for lack of a better word "friends".
Mike had no more Constitutional right (freedom of speech) to post his
beliefs here than Adam had a Constitutional right (freedom of speech) to
point out that it IS not appropriate in this forum. Just as you Gary have no
more Constitutional right (freedom of speech) to post your beliefs here than
I have a Constitutional right (freedom of speech) to point out that there
are wonderful discussions going on and invite you to join in on USENET.

Freedom of speech is not quite free, try yelling fire in a crowded movie
theatre or even worse "Datsun sux" here in this group. One you'll get
arrested and the other simply flamed to death!

Merry retail sales promotion day to you too,

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