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Electrical Gremlin, found and fixed

Subject: Electrical Gremlin, found and fixed
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2002 20:45:35 EST
I started my red 1600 today for the first time in a month, it kicked in and 
then died.  Couldn't figure out what it was, since it ran fine the last time 
I tried it.

After poking about, it turned out that the wires into the coil had become 
frayed and worked themselves into an intermittent state.  Looked OK from the 
outside.  Only when I held them on would it run.  A little solder and 
electrical tape later, all was well.

Keep this in mind if you start having such problems.  After 30 years, these 
wires get quite brittle.

gary cohen 
red one
black one
red one

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