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reply: top bow advice

To: "''"
Subject: reply: top bow advice
From: "O'Farrell, Fergus" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002 07:48:23 -0800
the top bow is wood only on very early 1500's, I believe.  for the rest of
us it is two pieces of formed sheet metal that have been welded together to
form a hollow shape.  Problem is, once a kink happens in either of those
sheet metal(s), you have a weak spot, so that bending it back like you
proposed will make it latch as it should, but it'll arch between the
latches.  pretty soon it'll act like two hinged pieces, and one only has one
latch on it.
1/4" isn't very much, mine was kinked so bad it wouldn't latch, so I sent it
to Les, and he sent me a nice one.  If it is a small gap like you described,
you might be able to get away with a bit thicker sealing material.  There
are coils of stuff sold at HomeDepot for sealing your garage door to the
floor to keep rain out, available is several widths and thicknesses.  Fergus
O, 69 2000, HB, CA

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