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RE: B cam lobes and timing

To: <>
Subject: RE: B cam lobes and timing
From: "Brian Hollands" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 19:37:21 -0500
I've never seen a spec on cam timing that included the valve clearance
to use while timing.  I believe it to be .010
Set the clearance on the #1 cylinders valves to .010
Put a dial indicator on the rocker arm right over the tip of the valve
or on the retainer nearest the center.  Start turning the engine over.
The #1 intake should begin to open at 30 degrees BTDC while the Exhaust
will close at 30 degrees after TDC.  You can make marks on the crank
pulley at 30 before and after by measuring the pulley circumference and
dividing by 360.  Multiply that by 30 and that will give you the
distance from TDC to 30 degrees before or after TDC.  I cut strips of
tape to the proper length and attach to the crank pulley so I can see
where the each valve event should be occurring.  I also have a piece of
angle iron with a couple of hole drilled into it that I attach to the
manifold studs so I have something magnetic to set the dial indicator
stand on.
You can't eyeball cam timing, you have to measure it.  
Hope that helps

Brian '69 2000
Tampa, FL

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