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My turn...

To: Datsun <>
Subject: My turn...
From: Jeffory Frayser <>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 18:58:33 -0600
I'll check in here...

I am Jeff Frayser from Dallas.  I have the 67.5 silver 2000 that Mike 
Young so lovingly and beautifully restored.  Yeah ok I feel like a Mark 
Cuban who makes a ton of money on the Internet and decides to join an 
old and established club.  Well I am not the flamboyant soul (arguably 
jerk) that he is nor do I have anything like his wallet (besides I am  
much better looking).  I bought my Roadster to fulfill a dream that set 
itself in my heart from 8 years old when I saw my first Roadster.

I have long been a Datsun fan having had a 1970 240Z (first 6 months 
version mind you) and a 510.  Unfortunately some woman (long since gone) 
convinced me otherwise.  Note: the Datsun love is still strong and I 
can't even remember her name.

I am not as savvy on the inner workings of my Roadster as I would like 
to be nor do I yet have all of the equipment.  In fact, I am due for 
some maintenance and will be looking for some help in the Dallas area 
(Mark Gill has given me a couple of suggestions).

What else...hmm...single now, currently working for a small IT 
Consulting firm (if anyone needs some help we do a great job).

Oh yeah...I am a Roadsterholic and I look forward to sharing this love 
with all of you...

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