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One more bio for the record...

Subject: One more bio for the record...
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 14:40:31 EST
Everyone else has contributed to the "Roadster Bio" thread... so here goes...

My name Is Laurie Clifton - except for the last 3-1/2 years here in AZ, I've
spent pretty much all of my life living in drippy, damp WA. state - Puyallup
(and Kent) to be exact. Production date of 06/ '67 ... just a little bit
older than my car. While gowing up, my dad was heavily into motorcyle racing
(flatrack & then eventually MX). I got to hang out with him and be his "pit
crew" at the races. Misc childhood memory: sitting with Evel Knievel in the
grandstands before it was time to do his "halftime" show  - impressive, eh ?
 Dad also loved his Pontiacs and was always rebuilding something in the
garage. Never failed that he needed little hands to "reach up in there and
tighten that up for me". This pretty much started the downhill slide into
being a gear-head.  So how did it go from Pontiacs to odd little sports-cars
? Dad had a cousin that managed the "BayShore Marina" (Now the Lobster Shop
in Tacoma) Packed in with all the boats were his collection of oddball
things, all open for me to play around in, and occasionally go for a "real"
joyride in (as opposed to my imaginary ones... make engine noises,
everyone..)  Lessee... Metropolitans, dune buggies, MGB/midgets, the
Amphicar, and of course, the one I put the most "miles" on, the Isetta.
(Warning: parents - don't let your children play in Isettas - they turn out
to be strange adults !!!)

Fast fwd a bit: 1986. 19 y/o - just got rid of a '70 MGB, and time for a new
car. Having by this time developed a taste for the "not normal,"  I drug home
my roadster. Shell on a trailer, and LOTS of little boxes. I admit to having
a friend to the body/paint (sanding= ICK), but the rest of it I put back
together all by myself. Pretty good, considering there was no "roadster
support group" back in those days, and I was literally on my own learning
about these little cars. By this time, I was fully "immersed" in the
automotive world - leading to about 10 yrs (some of it on & off) behind the
parts/service writing counter (Schuck's, Reiman's, MacCready's, 212th, Gary's
in Renton, NAPA) Somewhere during that time a partner and I took a stab at
our own sports-car shop - mostly rescuing abandoned MBG's - and doing some
vintage race prep for other folks. (Partner went on to a minor career
afterwords - had one of Tullius' old cars) I've also held some
accounting-type jobs, and currently work in the billing office of the local
hospital. (Don't start on about big insurance companies.... GAH!!)

While all that was going on:  was married to what turned out to be a mean,
abusive, and "generally unpleasant" kinda guy. He's gone now (whew) but it
took lots of police/legal dealing to do it. I met Mark 6(ish?) years ago,
moved down here to AZ 3-1/2 yrs ago with him & we've "lived happily ever
after" since. We share the house with the 2 girls - Christie & Kimmie (11-1/2
& 10 y/o) who both show signs of their mothers "car habit". I helped teach at
their preschool when they were little - and was Brownie/GS leader for awhile
too. Also have 6 cats: Marfie, Toto Purrswell, Angus MacDoodles, Butchie
Cougar Mellowcat, Missie, and Tunguska ("goose").  (Interesting what people
name their pets, eh?)

Misc interests: Toys !!! especially toy cars - I have an extensive
"Micro-Machines" collection. Music: for playing - accomplished classical
pianist & violin / for listening: The Clash, Queen, Richard Thompson/Fairport
Convention, John Hiatt, SRV get the most play, but I love music of just about
ALL types. (getting radio disney only in the roadster REALLY hurts, BTW)  My
shelves are filled w/ Mark's paper models - he's very good at them - he also
paints - the lastest is a reproduction 1936 Monaco GP poster, and he's
working on some custom "deco" style originals (car & transportation themed of
course!) Mark spent most of the past 10 yrs working in a high-end
sign/graphics shop (you've seen his work if you've ever been to any of the
hoity & toity resorts here in the PHX area,) but now runs The Car Orphanage -
selling odd EnFo parts & urethane bushings

Cars in the stable: currently - most of the Mk2 Ford Cortinas in the state of
AZ - in different states of repair , 2 of which are "everyday" cars" The 70
1600, another parts roadster, 1958 Anglia 100e (flathead 4) - it's the "La
Carrerra Panamericana" project that we will get to one day, and Audi Quattro
in the back yard. Past cars: too many to list ! Most interesting : 63 Mk2 Jag
- RHD, "most" of a Frogeye sprite, the Opel GT that I had to leave behind
when I moved here, several 1st gen RX7 (she knows how to rebuild a rotary
too- use hylomar on the corner seals <G>!!) lots of misc mgb&gts, Innocenti
Spyder,  you get the idea.... past Datsuns: 260z 280zx, 300zx, misc 70's
PU's, and a  87 Maxima that got stolen w/ a trunk full of new roadster front
end parts :-(  . Right now I've got my eye on a mid-60's Subaru 360 Cony van
- but that won't surprise anyone who's read this far <G>

Speaking of which... now that I've taken the time to type this rambling
exposi up, I've just realized... 3 words would have sufficed:  Kids   Cats

Laurie :-)
70 SPL311
Chandler, AZ

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