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Re: Who am I

Subject: Re: Who am I
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 18:20:09 EDT
Well, seeing that lots of folks are doing this, here goes:

Rob Beddington from Nottinghamshire England - aged 42 (but still thinks he's 

Married to a very patient Lynda for 16 years, with two kids, Richard aged 15 
(into golf, motor racing and music), and Roxanne aged 13 (into horses). 
Expensive hobbies? Yes.  

I'm Editor and Advertising Manager for a finance magazine, following 20 years 
in banking and insurance. It's the best job I've ever had. 

Having started off my driving life with two Fiat 600s (great cars - I want 
another one), I've owned many sports and "classic" (another word for old) 
cars including a Rover P5B 3.5 Coupe, Vauxhall PA Cresta, Humber Sceptre 
Series 1, Alfas (3), Datsun 260Z (2), BMWs (3), Audis (3), MGs (I'm sorry), 
Sunbeams, etc, etc. I caught the Datsun bug with my first 260Z. I've owned an 
SRL311 since 1984 and it now sits alongside an SPL311 and a Datsun 260Z 
Convertible (ie. roof sawn off), which this year completed the London to 
Brighton classic car run. Yes, it finished, without falling in half.

The roadsters, which are not mint, have appeared in articles everywhere 
because of their novelty value in England. The best article was in Classic & 
Sportscar last year, though my biggest moment was an interview with Nissan, 
who flew over from Tokyo to feature this strange Englishman and his Japanese 
cars in the Nissan Motorsports annual of 2000.

The website, was possible thanks to the excellent support of 
Greg Valazza. The site has taken up a stack of time over the last few years 
but, for various reasons, receives smaller, less time-consuming (but equally 
important!) updates these days - there are more to come.

Other interests are rock music (I AM still 18), building websites (badly) and 
collecting junk, believing that one day it will be worth something.

Thanks for lots of entertaining stuff.

69 Datsun 2000
68 Datsun 1600
74 Datsun 260Z convertible
97 Jeep Grand Cherokee (to tow the horsebox)
86 Audi Quattro (to tow the Jeep)
01 Skoda Octavia RS Turbo (performance of a BMW 330i for a third of the price 
- though I tried blowing away an M5 yesterday, thinking it was a 525i/530i - 
and failed - badly). 

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