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Another question about vacuum hose thing that is bolted on the

To: <>
Subject: Another question about vacuum hose thing that is bolted on the
From: "Allen" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 19:00:02 -0700
Don't you love my technical terms?  I've got this thing that is attached to
the same bracket as my brake safety switch.  It appears that vacuum lines
attach to it.  It has three connections points.  They are labeled F, A, and C.
I have the evaporator tank in the trunk of my car.  I assume the F is for
fuel, meaning a hose that runs to the tank in the evaporator tank in the
trunk.  What do the others go to?  I have Solex's on my car now.  Can I remove
this thing?  Cap off the other connections (A and C)?  What do I do??

1970 2000

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