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RE: Blather

Subject: RE: Blather
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 10:36:56 -0600
Dan & List,

Dan Blathered:
>> My car's running swweeeetttt!! It loves this time of year. I've
>> racked (wracked? wrecked?) my brains trying to figure out it's problem
>> with summer/heat, but just haven't figured it out. Now that we're in
>> the 50-60's for the highs, it's a wayyyy happy camper.

My 67.5 1600 also runs best this time of year.  I'm not
really sure why either, maybe it has something to do with
the Rocky Mountain time zone???

He further Blathered:
>> After daily-driving my roadster for 5 years, I FINALLY tried
>> autocrossing last August. Whoa.

I also went autoxing a week or so ago down here in Albuquerque, my
best performance to date.  Last time I went, a TR6 beat me by 9 seconds,
but last week he only got me by 1 second.  Sure puts a big smile on my face.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend...Robert in Abq - 67.5 1500

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