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Website updates

Subject: Website updates
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 16:03:58 EDT
Hi all

I've recently updated the Monthly Archive (only 3 months behind!). Check the 
link from the main page at:

If Craig Carter's still out there, there's a photo of his car in 1969 ARRC D 
Production trim on the October 2002 page.

I've also received some great colour slides of the BRE team, Bob Sharp, Dan 
Parkinson etc, etc, from the 1969 Daytona ARRC - these were sent to me by 
ex-Datsun Roadster racer Frank Cornell - most of these are of stationary cars 
but they have never been seen before and I must share these with other 
roadster freaks.

Also, Nancy Roberts, who was married to ex-Nissan competition manager, the 
late Dick Roberts, has got in touch and may have some interesting images to 
share. Watch this space.

All for now.

PS Highly OT but if anyone's into Rock and Roll, check out New Zealand band 
The Datsuns - they rock - I've seen them twice now over here and their album 
has just charted in the Top 20 this week.  

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