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350Z/roadster videos, more pics!

Subject: 350Z/roadster videos, more pics!
From: "alvin gogineni" <>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 08:54:12 +0000                 PICS   VIDEOS
Saturday, Raul and I went for a spin to make sure his 67.5 would be alright 
for the Sunday trip to Jimmy's Old Car Show in the city. It was more than 
alright! And we have videos with sound to prove it! To top it off we had a 
run in with a friendly couple in a 350Z. More pics of my car with Raul's, 
but don't forget to check out the videos for exhaust sounds and 
driving(monkeying around) footage, and the 350z revving up. Too much fun 
with the camera and the cars! We were surprised to see the 350Z follow us 
into the Stevens Creek Reservoir Park and shoot the breeze. Nice folks, the 
owner even let me sit in drivers seat! Peace.

Thanks to Leonard Sprague for letting me post these video clips on his 

Alvin Gogineni
San Jose, CA
67.5 1600/U20

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