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Advendures in Roadstering

To: ""<>
Subject: Advendures in Roadstering
From: Ryan Bird<>
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 08:20:44 -0700
Howdy Ya'all,

I felt like a teenager these past two days.  Story Time:
I am in an Executive MBA program in Arizona which consists of about 40% 
commuters.  We meet every other Friday/Saturday all day.  Now that my family is 
temporarily in Ohio and our two "Family" vehicles there with them, I come home 
twice a month to go to school and take care of the house.  The only vehicle I 
have in Arizona right now is my Roadster, so I am forced to use it for 
Everything I do.

As my house is empty, I am letting some of my commuting classmates stay with me 
to save a buck.  My house is 35 miles from school, but the freeways are 
generally good.  An average (Not speeding too much) day gets me to school in 
about 35 minutes.

Last night I had two classmates at my house, neither of them had a car.  (One 
spent the previous night there, the other had a separate ride to School.)  We 
had a dilemma, three of us had to get to my house in the evening and then the 
following morning head back to school.  I convinced these "middle aged 
gentlemen" that we could do it all in my Roadster.  (Keep in mind there is also 
a fair amount of luggage involved as well.)

To make a long story short, we packed the trunk, held on to some luggage, and 
had my 50 year old psychologist friend sit (Think Freud and you would be close) 
on the package tray.  At 9:00pm driving home they were amazed with all the 
comments we got.  (At least 6 comments in the 35 mile drive)  I took it easy 
driving home, this morning I opened her up a bit.

We made it both ways, all three of us feeling like were time-warped back  a 
dozen or two years.  There are now three people in my class with that "Roadster 
Grin" on their face, as well as a few amazed students that saw us drive in this 

BTW - My little car's engine is having a good month.  I cannot explain it, but 
she is edgy and full of power, even with 700+ pounds extra sitting on her.

Ryan Bird
67 1600

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