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November Run!!!

To: "Steve Allen" <>,
Subject: November Run!!!
From: "" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 18:02:27 -0700
Well looks like October has been a good month for run's, There have been
plenty of us enjoying the weather, top down driving and the company of our
fellow owner's.  Well I sure would like to get all of us together for a run,
so..... How about a run through Del Puerto Canyon to the top where we can all
meet at the Lick observatory for a pot luck lunch.  I figure it's a good
meeting point for us Central Valley and Bay Area Folks.  I have some
commitment from the Fresno group as well as some of the Modesto group. Frances
& Steve, think you guy's can round up some owners from your neck of the woods,
we challenge you guy's to meet us there!!
Gerardo Magana
(Finally getting a weekend off for roadster fun)
P.S. Email me and let me know, all owner's are of course welcome.

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