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RE: Summit weekend (Tom's BIG Adventure) - MPEG Posted!!

To: "Roadster List" <>
Subject: RE: Summit weekend (Tom's BIG Adventure) - MPEG Posted!!
From: "Gordon Glasgow" <>
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 07:44:19 -0700
I think we should coin a new term for a spinout - call it a "Matrix Moment" in
honor of those 360-degree pan shots (just saw the movie again last week).

Gordon Glasgow
Renton, WA

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of C. Halsted
> Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 6:04 AM
> To: Brad Holmes
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Summit weekend (Tom's BIG Adventure) - MPEG Posted!!
> I had to watch it a few times....big smile. then my daughter wanted to see
> it a few times.......then Elaine wanted to see it a few times.....
> the races were really great. weather was perfect. Mike Unger got to see both
> sides of a Sunbeam Tiger about 3 times in under 5 seconds about 5 feet in
> front of him- must have been an exciting moment for both of them. Tiger
> driver completely overdrove both his car and his own abilities to keep Mike
> from passing him. later told Mike "yeah, but if I'd let you by I never would
> have seen you again"..........well, yeah.......Tom did great, his car is a
> beauty and reflects a lot of time and effort. Mike Unger won the Datsun
> feature race and drives so smoothly he makes it look practically effortless.
> there was a BRE 610 making a ways more horsepower came in second, just
> couldn't keep up. Dick Tillinger ran strong all weekend except for the brake
> problems. Bob Middleton's 510 didn't skip a beat. there was a 510 race car
> there, said to be #4 BRE car, fresh engine not in it, they were asking
> $15,500........can be seen in the back of Mark's picture of Tom's car.
> seemed kinda high to me, but I don't profess to know the 510 market. the
> fastest 510 out there was offered at $20k for comparison. was talking to one
> of the 510 racers and found out his car had originally been built by Dan
> Rapucci. don't know if anyone but datsunmike and I know Dan. maybe a few
> folks from Watkins Glen.  I even got to ride around the track about 10 times
> at speeds up to but not over 100. was a lot of fun! driver wanted to do a J
> turn for us, but as we had a scout leader in the back seat, that got vetoed.
> Thanks, JH!  it was a real treat. got the "honeymoon"roadster driveable by
> friday night, drove that to Summit Point. nice to have one on the road again
> finally. found a few more issues to deal with, starter solenoid shot, need
> to change ignition keyswitch section out, and have a bad rear wheelbearing
> if not worse. if I can hear it over the sound of that Megaphone exhaust,
> can't be a good thing. was great to see everybody there. got to see a lot
> more racing than I do when we go up to the Glen.
> Craig Halsted
> roadsters
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