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Painting a license plate

Subject: Painting a license plate
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 14:40:18 -0600
Dearest List,

There was a car show here in Albuquerque a few weeks ago, and there
was a booth set up selling license plates.  I told him I was looking for
a Datsun Roaster plate.  He said he had something with letters and
numbers on it.  In fact, they were SPL 311 and SRL 311 plates, so I
bought an SPL 311.  

So much for the build up.  Any suggestions on how best to paint these
with NM's colors (Yellow with Red letters/numbers)?  What about painting
the entire plate yellow, and somehow dipping the raised letters/numbers
into a pan of red?  Looking for ideas.

Have a nice weekend, going Autoxing myself...Robert - 67.5 1600 - Abq

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