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Re: Fairlady shirts - 11 colors - 5 sizes

To: Mark Dent <>
Subject: Re: Fairlady shirts - 11 colors - 5 sizes
From: Marc Sayer <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 18:33:18 -0700
Mark Dent wrote:
 > All,
 > The demand for the fairlady shirts is bigger than I thought.  I have put
 > together a web page to show color, design, prices, and how to order.  The
 > basics are:  Polo style 2 button shirts, Fairlady logo on the left 
 > Color chart on the page.  I will take orders through the mail and 
Paypal until
 > July 20th.  On the 22nd I will order the shirts that are paid for. 
It should
 > take about 10 days to get them, then I will ship them out.  I an not 
 > any extra ones "just in case".  These are nice shirts, $21 each.  If 
you want
 > to forward this to your club list (I know a lot of owners are not on this
 > list) feel free.  I am trying to make this as easy as possible.  Here 
is the
 > link

You know almost any local embroidery shop can do you up a shirt...

Sorry just trying to liven things up a bit on a miserably hot day. (okay
so 90 some odd is not hot to Guy and some of the rest of you desert
rats, but I moved up here from AZ to get away from this sort of heat and
I really, really hate it, besides here in OR it's 90 some odd and 90
some odd humidity too)

There are days, and this is one of them, when I see a fire and I just
can't help but throw some gas on it. :-)

Just teasing everyone a bit.

I realized something today when I was answering an email I got from Phil
on the DFL topic, that I felt was worth repeating to the whole list,
especially in light of the recent threads about list problems and folks
leaving the list. And no this is not a pointed message for anyone in
particular, nor is it meant to chastise *anyone*. It's just meant as a
general wakeup call to remind us all of how helpful this list really is
(or can be if we let it) and what it was like just 10 years ago or so,
when most folks didn't have access to these fine resources.

 > Yeah the moly is junk. <snip> I wouldn't let that stuff near a motor 
of mine again. That was an expensive lesson, nearly $5000 back in '88 
dollars no less. I have had good results moly coating a rear end gear 
set. I think mostly I could have gotten as good or better results by 
simply adding some moly to the gear oil. :-) I wish I had had folks like 
you and a list like this back when I was finding out so much of this the 
hard way. Of course back then no one had even heard of the internet or 
an email mailing list.
 > Sometimes I think that some of the guys on these lists lose sight of 
how useful the lists can be. They get all caught up in the "bad stuff" 
on the lists and let it get them all pissed off.
 > Anyway keep the hard facts and reliable info coming, it really does 
help folks, even if they don't realize it sometimes,
 > <snip>

Just some good natured comments and perspectives meant only to brighten
everyone's day.

Marc Sayer
82 280ZX Turbo
71 510 Trans Am vintage racer

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