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RE: heater core - where is the best place to get one?

To: "'Datsun_Sports'" <>,
Subject: RE: heater core - where is the best place to get one?
From: "Hoaglan, Dean C" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 16:54:24 -0700

You've probably heard already, but I saw this on ebay:


-----Original Message-----
From: Datsun_Sports []
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 3:35 PM
To: Datsun Forum
Subject: heater core - where is the best place to get one?


    I took my heater core down to a shop today and they looked it over. I
was told that the small tubes in the core had been over pressurized at some
point. the top and bottom fins were loose except at the very ends from the
body and the tubes were bulged. there was also a small hole in one of the
inlet/outlet pipes. he said he could weld it up so it could be used but
suggested that I look for a new one or have a new one built. he did not
think the one I had would last much longer. He did not charge me anything
either. So now I need a new one or a good one. anyone have any suggestions?
the guy told me it would cost around 150 to 170 to build a new one using my
pipes. I checked a few of the sites and they are asking 150 for new Nissan
old stock. if anyone has done something different or has a cheaper source
please let me know!


mike (Las Vegas)

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