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RE: What do I put in my stearing box

To: "'Vicki Burrows'" <>,
Subject: RE: What do I put in my stearing box
From: Mitch Planck <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 15:43:56 -0400
Our steering boxes take 90 weight gear oil. Just fill to the brim too.
Redline makes a 90 weight oil that I'll probably use when I finish up with
my steering box, you just have to watch to make sure it doesn't run out the
bottom. I've been cleaning mine up and comparing the two of them (one from
my parts car, one from the main) to see which is better.

Also, I found an old car repair manual from 1971 in a used book shop that is
really good. I've started scanning it and putting it on my website, but the
first article I'm doing is the steering box one. Check this out:

-Mitch Planck
Chelsea, MI
'69 1600, loosing parts now
'70 xxxx, body off

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Vicki Burrows
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 4:10 PM
Subject: What do I put in my stearing box

Geetings list.  I don't have my manual handy (loaned it out) and I am
wondering what I put in my stearing box, and how full it should be.
Greg Burrows

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