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OT: Audi Quattro "rally-cross toy" FS

Subject: OT: Audi Quattro "rally-cross toy" FS
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 22:24:17 EDT
Auuuuu-di!  (gotta say it like Minnie Pearl)

Worried about rock-chips on that new paint on your Roadster? Got the urge to 
head for the hills and go thrash about wildly? Do you dream you are Carlos 
Sainz or Colin McRae?  Then I've got a deal for you !!!!

1984 Audi 4000s Quattro  rally-cross special in  "not-that-gently-used" 
condition. (ok, - it;'s not that bad)
i'ts bright red, powered by stickers, and taking up space in my back yard. 
This thing outta be worth the AWD drivetrain parts & the Porshe wheels alone. 
Somebody rescue it please !!! What was that about "He who dies with the most 
toys..... ???"

See the oh-so-slow-loading pictures at :

BONUS -buy it now, and I'll throw in a  furry, gray, lovable  shop-kitten for 
FREE !!! call now,,, our operators are standing by.

Laurie :-)
70 SPL311
Chandler, AZ

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