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Greatings all From Korea- ie FIFA Soccer

To: "''"
Subject: Greatings all From Korea- ie FIFA Soccer
From: Eric Wittinger <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 04:06:17 -0700
What a time to be in Korea on business travel!!! Guess what, I got to watch 
them win!!! it was great. I also got to hear the Korea team win, what 
excitement here, you would not belive the people.  This place is crazed with 
soccer stuff every where.  They had 10k people in Souel watching the Korea team 
play on one of the huge TV screens in down town Souel, Guess where i was.....

Great expereince I suggest any try it if they get the chance....and being on 
the business dollar is always nice :-)

Enjoy the reset of the gaming season, I wont be hear unfortunatly to see Korea 
and the US paly. Now that would be great!!!! All of my Korean freinds are 
giving me some flack, but I am throughing it righ back at them!!!!!

>From Souel Korea,

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